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Relationships not rules

Why do we make this statement?  We have met people who are either afraid of attending church, or afraid that they are not “good enough” to enter a church except for a wedding or funeral.  The main reason for this is that they have encountered so many churches where rules inform who they are rather than relationships.  The word of God clearly expresses that relationships are more important than rules, and that rules actually work to confine our faith rather than to allow us to express our faith.  We invite you check this out for yourself. Here at Beacon of Hope Church, we prioritize two relationships that are vital to a growing and deepening faith experience. 


The first and most important relationship is with our Heavenly Father.  Jesus taught that the greatest commandment was to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.”  So, the most important relationship in our lives is with God.  This relationship is only made possible through faith in Jesus Christ as the one who forgives our sin so we can have access to God.  We believe that through faith in Jesus Christ, we actually become friends with God!


The second greatest commandment is to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  This is the second most important relationship – being in a caring and supportive community of believers who share the same faith and love for one another.  Friendship with others is evidenced through love actions.  As you begin to build new friendships with the people here at Beacon of Hope you will experience God’s love, and people love! 


Since moving to our new location almost everyone we encounter asks what denomination or brand of church we are.  While we are affiliated with American Baptist Churches of Michigan, that affiliation does not determine who we are or what we do.  We are connected to a group of 150 churches that are diverse and autonomous.  We have the freedom to live out what God has called us as Beacon of Hope to be, and a big part of that calling is to focus on relationships not rules.    


Come and discover what so many others have discovered – freedom from guilt and rules, and loving relationships that deepen our faith.

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